How to Write an Impressive College Admissions Essay

Image Source: Flickr via ZeLIG School
The task of writing a college admission essay is incredibly pressuring for high school graduates. None of them can keep calm knowing that their future basically depends on this paper. The subject is known for every college candidate – they are supposed to write about themselves and convince the admissions officers that they deserve to be accepted because of their unique interests and strong characters.

Nevertheless, the anxiety caused by admissions essay writing seems to be inevitable. There is one thing that you should remember: if your SAT score and GPA are strong, that doesn't mean that you aren't expected to write a great essay. All admissions officers want to see well-organized, focused essays that help them learn something about the student before accepting them into college. The following tips will help you make a positive impression:
- Don't complicate it!
You may think that big sentences and words that require a dictionary make you look smart, but they have a counter effect in reality. There is nothing wrong in sounding concise, clear, and simple. In fact, such sentences will make you look more intelligent.
- Write as you speak.
The admissions officers want you to present yourself as a real person with genuine motivations, interests, and goals. Don't try to steal your favorite author's style; be authentic and write in a conversational, relaxed style.
- Avoid passive voice.
Passive voice makes you appear uncertain of the things you claim. Active verbs are lively and don't present you as detached and cold. Revise your essay and make sure to correct the parts where you used passive voice.
- Stay focused!
You couldn't describe your entire life in a limited word count even if you wanted to, so don't try to do that. The best admissions essays describe one or two important events or interests with all needed details.
- Your paper could use some mystery.
You should make the admissions officer wonder how great it would be to know you. The first paragraph should be slightly mysterious and entice the reader to continue reading the essay with interest. Nothing will impress the officer more than your honest enthusiasm about the things that excite you.
- Be original!
Admissions officers read so many essays on a daily basis that it's difficult to impress them with your experiences. Avoid presenting yourself as a victim of today's society; those are the most boring admissions essays students could think of. Focus on your strengths and characteristics that make you who you are. Ask yourself whether you would be interested to read a paper like yours.
- Don't lie!
That's the worst thing you could do. Don't try to impress the admissions officers with imaginary achievements; everything you say can be checked and verified. You are not an ordinary person. You surely have genuine interests that you can present in a captivating way, so make sure to stick to the truth.
- The admissions essay is not a burden; it's an opportunity!
If you perceive the process of admissions essay writing as a chore, then you won't get far with it. Think of it as an opportunity that allows you to show the admissions committee why you deserve to be accepted into college. This is your only opportunity to stand out from the crowd by writing a memorable essay that everyone would be interested to read.