Powerful Tips on How to Protect Yourself from Cyber Criminals

Most of us believe that our computers are safe, that our identity is protected, and that the chances of being hacked are extremely slim. Most of us are wrong. There are thousands and thousands of hackers out there, working day and night, with a sole purpose in mind: getting whatever they want, including you.
Because the rate of cyber security problems has increased over the last years, the protection methods available to the public audience have also increased their numbers. In today's article, you'll learn few important tips on how to increase your online security and avoid many cybersecurity threats. Let's begin.
Use Highly Protective Windows Security Options
Every Windows device such as a PC, laptop, tablet, or just any other device that uses this operating system has certain security options. One of the first thing you should do is set your Internet security options to the highest features. That means that all the unnecessary cookies and other stranger information which hackers ultimately use, won't be saved on your device.
Your internet browser will then avoid all the risky websites, and it will be harder for you to get infected with all kinds of special spreaders. There will be no more pop-ups, unless you specify the exceptions. If you want to have zero restrictions when it comes to some websites you generally use, work on your settings and add all the exceptions you need.
Choose to Purchase a Premium Antivirus
Let me tell you a fact. If a hacker really wants to hack you, he will. There is no antivirus that can save you from the hacker's work (that of course, if he's focused on you). If you're a small fish ready to get infected, then you have big chances of escaping this potentially harmful happening. That, only if you choose to take the necessary actions.
Premium Antiviruses that are on the market for a long time are the best choice for you. They ask for a certain amount of cash in order to pay for their hard working employees. Those employees are constantly updating their security measures and protections. If you go for a free antivirus, you're way less protected.
Be Extremely Careful with E-mails & Executables
Did you know that e-mails are the primary way of getting infected by viruses? If a hacker wants to get into your PC, he will often trick you with a story, in which you're ultimately supposed to open one of his files attached into the e-mail. It could be a "document", an "image", or something else that needs to be executed by you.
Even if it actually looks like a PDF, the spreader could be disguised into that extension, and you'll get infected by the time you're opening the file. So, pay close attention to what stuff you're executing on your PC.
Have Separate Home & Business Devices
Most of us use PCs and other devices in order to deal with credit cards, PayPal, and other activities that are closely related to our money. Cybersecurity criminals are usually looking for ways to steal your money. That is why it is truly indicated to have two devices: one dedicated to your own activities, and one which handles all your transactions and finances.
This way, if someone is after you, they'll go for your home PC, which you use more often than the business one, and they'll get nothing. That's only because you have never logged in your credit cards or PayPal accounts on it.
Use Extremely Strong Passwords
Even if you don't open any files, even if you don't access a harmful website, some hackers might still get to you. It's called social engineering, and it's a powerful tactic in which they find out details about you and then start guessing what passwords you might use. It's like they could read your mind, and then use everything they've gathered in order to guess your passwords. And yes, there are some cybercriminals that are extremely skilled when it comes to this type of activity.
In order to avoid this from happening, you should use powerful generated passwords, with all kinds of letters, digits, numbers, and special characters. Write those passwords down on a piece of paper, a notebook, or whatever you believe you'll never lose, and never allow your browser to save them. This is truly important.
Nowadays, taking care of your personal stuff can be quite daunting, and that's only because cyber threats evolve extremely fast. Even though nobody can guarantee you that you are completely safe, you can still contribute when it comes to your online safety. Use the tactics mentioned in this article, and pay very close attention to things that seem "too good to be true".